Tuesday, August 11, 2009

With hopefully a lot of changes to occur soon I thought I would give blogging a shot so I can keep everyone updated.

I have been accused of using the phrase “let’s do something different” too much but that is the way I feel right now. I am tired of the “Groundhog Day” effect and I am only 27. I have a lot more time to get bored with life. To try and start this something different I started looking for a new job. I found a firm that was hiring someone with my years of work experience—4 years and a job description that was everything I can/could do. Then I saw the location--- Anchorage, Alaska. Wow that would be a change! The more I thought about it the more excited I got. When else in my life could I drop everything --- except Cody --- and run away to Alaska? The only string I currently have is my home which as much as I love it I could give it up --- if I dig up the $100 tree I got for my birthday this year.

So I took the steps to apply. After not hearing back from the HR personnel and leaving voicemails I started to lose interest. I then mentioned it to a personal friend who has more connections than anyone I know. He started the chain of who could help and by the end of the week they were calling for a phone interview. Goes to show you have to know people to get anywhere. Don’t burn those bridges as much fun as it would be!

A month later and on Thursday I fly to Anchorage, Alaska for a job interview. I am hoping all goes well. As petty as it seems it will all come down to the amount of money they can offer me. It would/will be a great experience but I do have to be able to pay my mortgage here and rent wherever I end up because I do not plan on selling my house here until I know I am not coming back. I do love my house and saw myself being there for quite a while. But the way the economy and my life is right now I am looking for a new start and ready to experience new things --- especially those that do not occur in the triad.

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