Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I have this problem... I bounce my leg while sitting at my desk. Well sitting anywhere really. Regardless of the number of cups of coffee or the cans of Coke, my leg bounces. The only way I avoid it is by sitting on my chair with my legs Indian style (is that even PC anymore?)

(That PC stuff has gotten so out of control)

(Lazy: motivationally dispossessed )

(Evil: niceness deprived )

(Lost: locationally disadvantaged )

I mean really? Okay, back to my bouncing...

I can't stand it when someone else does it to me, especially in a meeting, at church, or the movies. I am conscious of it myself if I am sitting in a pew or close to other people because I don't want to annoy them.

Then earlier this week, with no caffeine on board, I feel as though I have broken the floor beneath my desk because my computer screen is shaking as I work. I try and stop myself from bouncing to find that it is not my leg this time. So my brain goes directly to yelling at Cody, my furry office pup, who usually sits on my desk. I ask him without looking in his direction to stop scratching. When he does not oblige I realize that he is passed out on my desk not even dreaming.(that tongue is too cute!)

(I am not bias at all)

Now my brain completely confused itself. No leg bounce, no dog scratch, yet my screen is still wobbling back and forth, hmmm. I turn to my co-worker and as our eyes meet with both say. "I think it is an earthquake." I go to the front window and check to make sure someone hasn't blown up the massive generator in the top secret bank location across the street...(shhh, you don't know that) Nope. No truck or trolley rolling by either. No redneck monster truck either (Yes, there are plenty of those that go through town.)

I go out to the other window and brace my hands on either side of the dormer window looking over the back parking lot. Still shaking. "It has to be an earthquake."

The only other earthquakes I have felt here have been really quick shakes. One in the middle of the night sounded like what I think would be a meth lab exploding. And the other a large truck flying up the road. This one on the other hand allowed me to think about it --- move across the office--- think about fighting with my 3 other coworkers for the 1 door jamb on the 3rd floor of our more than 100 year old condo--- and then some more thinking.

After the at least 30 seconds of the long shake I head to the local news station website to see if there is anything up about the rumble. Nope. CNN, nope. USGS, nope. I then flip over to my Facebook account and that is where I get the confirmation that it was not just us who felt it. Within the next 60 seconds I have at least 35 people asking if they were the only ones that felt the shake. After some playful banter back and forth I am convinced that we did, in fact have and quake. (Now that we have had a real one I am entitled to shorten it, right California?) The news took at least 15 minutes to break the story. I think from now on I will get all my news from Facebook from now on.

The official information -

Anyway, that is my story about the quake felt all along the east coast.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Smell Memory

The sense of smell amazes me. One little scent and it can bring up the oldest memory, best memory or worst.  This smell didn't bring back a distant memory but a more recent and recurring one.

I work in downtown Winston these days. Besides the interesting characters I see on the street, the never ending sirens and car honks, the overpowering noise in the city is the mass transit bus roaring up and down the streets.

The exhaust from the city bus is not a pleasant one nor a healthy one. But if I close my eyes I can transport myself to another world -- Walt Disney World.

I can close my eyes and see myself unloading from the bus, skipping into the Magic Kingdom and taking in the first sights of "The Castle" and Main Street USA.

Walking to my club level room and my "home" resort hotel that I will never be able to afford --  Wilderness Lodge.

Waiting in the hot and muggy morning with a handful of sleepy eyed parents with children dressed in their princess and pirate garb bubbly bouncing around the station asking if each bus that stops is "their bus."

I remember the humor of the bus driver that stopped to pick up a group from a resort and he was asked "Does this bus take you to Disney World?" And without missing a beat the driver said "Poof you are there"  and drove off. The would-be passenger had the strangest look of dumbfound -ment. It was priceless.
(For those of you not Disney-fied. If you are at one of the resorts you are technically at Walt Disney World. What the passenger was asking was if the bus would take him to Magic Kingdom.)

 All these memories along with many more flash before my closed eyes in a matter of seconds. Then I open my eyes and I am back in Winston walking in the office door. So much for the 10 second vacation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

doggie biscuits...

Must I eat dog food? I am the Codyman!

The treat pot is *gulp* empty

You don't believe me?

I am pretty sure it is empty.

How can you deny this face?

Are they ready yet?

*nom nom*

Full tummy --- Night Night

Monday, May 2, 2011

In Memory

Two of my friends this week lost part of their family. One lost a furry member named Samantha. She was 20 years old in people years but that doesn't make it any easier for the family to say goodbye.

The other friend also had to choose to put down their family member due to liver failure for an unknown cause that he may have never recovered from.

Brady Mo

Having to make the choice of putting an animal down is never easy no matter how much pain they are in. Pet owners are sometimes selfish that way. We want them to stay around forever. We never want to let go.

Thinking of Brady Mo and Samantha reminds me of my past family members that had to be put down to prevent more suffering.

In memory of my family members gone:

Oscar '87

Tucker '03


Moose, Ace, Toto, Spike
Brothers and Sisters

I will always love and miss you all!